Below are a selection of videos produced by PPSUK or AMEND. In addition to these, there are a variety of videos for use as emotional well-being tools, including:
- Mindfulness (introduction and exercises)
- Managing Hormone Surges: riding out the wave (new for 2020)
- Mindful Mondays (mid-pandemic relaxation exercises)
Patient Experience Films
These films about PPGL (SDH mutation) Syndromes were produced in early 2020 (before lock-down) to raise awareness of these rare genetic syndromes. We are grateful to all the patients, medical professionals and film crew who gave their time to produce our Patient Experience Films. We hope you find them interesting and inspiring.
Introducing SDH Syndromes - Diagnosis
Introducing SDH Syndromes - Treatment
Introducing SDH Syndromes - Future
Annual Patient Information Day Presentations
View the Phaeo Para Support UK YouTube Channel