20 Aug 2020
New Resources for Symptom Management
PPSUK Lead Counsellor, Kym Winter, has developed a video and series of short exercises to help you ‘ride the wave’ of hormone surges. Managing Hormone Surges: riding out the wave, provides suggestions for breathing and relaxation exercises to try if you experience adrenal or hormone crises. When you know that an attack is coming, is may sometimes help to focus on something else, like your breathing.
Remember to give yourself time to recover after an attack. Kym suggests some other relaxation exercises that may be useful for this time.
*Please note that these exercises do not claim to cure hormone surges and they do not replace any medicines or clinical advice given to you by your specialist.
Hormone Surges: Managing Anxiety and Riding Out the Wave
Relaxation and Diversion Exercises
Focus and Ground
Four Square Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
With thanks to Kym Winter (PPSUK Counsellor) and Jack Hobbs (Camera/production)
>If you found this helpful, why not try our Mindfulness resources