AMEND news in 2024
Shop Christmas in aid of AMEND/PPSUK!
Visit our online shop for some of your Christmas essentials! We have some gorgeous Christmas Cards, as well as an entire clothing store of sustainable cotton pieces, including those with festive designs. All proceeds go to support our work for families affected by rare endocrine syndromes and tumours.
Click here to visit our shop
AMEND 2024 AGM Rescheduled
Registered members will have received an email regarding the AMEND AGM that was to be held at midday on Thursday 31st July. Due to insufficient numbers of votes to reach a quorum, the AGM has now been rescheduled to Wednesday 15th August, with the voting link remaining active up until 6pm on the 14th. If you have already voted, you do not need to do so again. If you haven't seen an email, please check your spam/junk folder. Thank you in advance to all members who action the email as requested to engage in this important exercise in transparency as required by the UK Charity Commission.
Special Event for Scottish Members
Come and join Peer Support Volunteer for Scotland, Amanda Shaw, with special guest, Genetic Counsellor, Nicola Bradshaw, on Saturday 14th September for networking, peers support and information at this in-person event near Glasgow.
Click here for more information and to book
AMEND's 2024 Annual Patient Information Day will be held on Saturday 1st June, in central Birmingham. This event is open to anyone affected by MEN or PPGL syndromes, as well as for those affected by ACC and MTC. Come along and benefit from a 2-hour Q&A session with an expert in your disease, as well as plenty of other relevant sessions. There is a separate stream for young adults from 12 years of age. Tickets are free but donations are appreciated.
Click here for more information and to book
New! Young Adults’ Survey
This year, AMEND wants to hear from our younger UK community members aged 12-25 about how their or their sibling’s condition affects them (if at all!), and what they would like to see AMEND do for them by way of activities and resources over the coming months and years. To do this, we have designed two short surveys (ages 18-25 and 12-17) that should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
Click here for more information